Cloud Backup
for Small Business
Secure, Simple and Powerful Cloud Backup that absolutely, positively ensures the availability of your data.

Elevate your back-up protection to unprecedented levels with Datahive for Small Business

Designed specifically for Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs), Datahive provides a simple and secure way to backup your files and data over the internet to our secure UK data centres.

Recovery of systems and data in the event of data loss is simple and our UK based support team is always on hand to assist by phone or email.

With support for Windows, Mac, Linux, Microsoft 365, OneDrive, Dropbox, Synology and QNAP NAS devices and others, Datahive can be installed, configured and backing up in less than 15 minutes.

Datahive provides flexible and cost effective storage plans, with predictible costs and no hidden charges.

Technical features at a glance:

  • AES256 Military Grade Encryption - all data is encrypted before upload using a truly randomized 256-bit full length AES encryption key. Only the customer retains the key.
  • Compression and Deduplication - Our high-performance compression and deduplication engines equals faster backups and smaller storage requirements.
  • Simple and Flexible Retention Policy - Keep unlimited historical versions of your data and easily restore from any point in time.
  • Reliability - Built in data integrity checking, verification and rectification means your backed up data is always ready to be reliably restored.
  • Ransomware Protection - 2FA protection means the backup data is secure and not accessible via malicious actors.

Please fill in the form below to start your free trial

Full featured, 30 day 1TB Trial, installation and ongoing support included.

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Back-Up Solutions
that keep your data
very, very safe